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From this page you will be able to navigate the rest of the website. If you choose to bookmark my webpage, I suggest that you bookmark the Home Page as the others may change in the near future.


I am a 31 year old gay man living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have been in a relationship with Jarrod since October 1st 1993. Within the last year, we have discovered that we are both Poly Committed personalities. If you are unsure of the term, it will become aparent the deeper you delve into my site.

I refuse to justify my lifestyle (either of them) to anyone. So don't bother trying to preach to me. I have been there and have said many of the arguements that you are likely to say. So, let us just moved past that and get to know one another. Are you game?

In my journal entries, I will be using a lot of peoples names. However, some I am changing. Just to keep the peace. If you are included in my entries, you will know that it is you.

Ok, I am one of the worst typists on the planet. And I rarely use a spell check. But, as you read, you will identify and be able to read my ramblings better. I also have a very odd sense of humor, and say a lot of things that are "tongue in cheek". So, if I sound bitchy, it is most likely me being funny. (there is a fine line sometimes) When I write, I do so in the same manner that I speak in. So, be expecting to detect a southern accent as you read.

Enjoy my life as much as I have enjoyed living it...


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